When a client refuses to pay what they owe, your cash flow can quickly feel the effects. Without money coming into your business when you expect it to can prevent you from meeting your own financial obligations thereby putting the future of your business at risk.
Business Debts Recovery are an expert team of debt recovery and credit control experts, specialising in recovering unpaid invoices and historic debts, even when collection has been chased and deemed impossible. This may take the form of one large invoice which has gone unpaid, or alternatively you may have a number of invoices due in from a number of creditors which are causing you concern.
Supporting both large and small businesses across a range of sectors, Business Debts Recovery are not bailiffs, instead they employ proven techniques which aim to preserve client relationships so you can continue trading with the client going forwards once payment has been made.
An assessment of current collection and sales ledger processes often highlights areas which are ripe for improvement. The experts at Business Debts Recovery can work alongside you to devise and implement a robust credit control strategy to enhance your company’s debt recovery chances in the future.